15 bungalows and 3 Two Bedroom Villas

Almendro, Caoba, Cedro, Eucalipto, Guapinol, Laurel and Nogal  exquisite sounding
Spanish names that have been worked into the structure of the rooms. All are tropical
woods that were used to build the bungalows and were acquired from responsibly managed
logging sources or reforestation projects in Nicaragua, ensuring artistic yet ecologically
responsible built rooms.

All accommodations have been soundly designed to offer shelter from rain,
sun or wind, yet touching as little of the surrounding nature as possible. The location of all
bungalows was chosen based on the least amount of trees to be cut down, in some instances
taking advantage of ridding dead trees. Some may even have a tree growing straight through
the roof and all enjoy an indoor garden hosting your own private outdoor shower.